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Thursday 21 November 2013

An Insight of Sipili Vicinity

By Murigi Ndung’u
The Sipili-Olmoran region is a natural beauty that inhibits most of the cultural livelihoods of some of the 42 tribes in Kenya.
Community interaction in marriages and collective responsibility is just a hint on what beyond the horizons of Sipili town, though rocked some few years ago by a fatal raid that claimed many lives, more sadly the lives of innocent people.
Sipili has continued to sire great nationals and talents, but most unfortunately these talents are wasted into nothingness due to improper handling and management.
Not to say the poor transport system, the sheer sad state of the educational facilities has also contributed a punch onto the trampling underfoot of the muster talents that may be a huge milestone to our country’s technocracy.
These same resources are the same that later venture into inhuman adventures of gunpoint robberies when faced with the sort of a paradox.
A doctor to be may be forced to wear a mask and carve out a gun to put the bread on the table; this is mostly fueled by the deficiency of standard turbochargers that could at least impart entrepreneurial senses into a good head.
 Some institutions are too dejected such that handling the archetype of slow learners is next to impossibility. The schools on the other side of defense cry foul over inadequate provisions by the government and so on.
Another factor that chips in these disastrous responses from moon-potentiated youths is the social stigmatization that is inherent in the suburbs, mostly caused by social stratification. Though embezzlement of funds has also a hand in it, the need for education without a real focus or goal will only be zero work.
 This is because a lake without an output will always be salty and no life blooms. Similarly, if the subjects don’t input any effort in getting at least a quality merit, they end up being stagnant and of no use.  
I appreciate the efforts of this noble organization called ALIN, it has introduced great opportunities and trainings for the youths and community.

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